Monday, November 30, 2009

Catch the Light

Hello hello guys!

This is a video I made for my Foundation Studies assignment called "Streams" in RMIT.
The brief is to make any kind of projects that you'd love to make. I choose to do a stop motion because I was curious and I love watching videos, so why not try making one I thought :)

The video is called Catch the light, where a girl, which was played by my friend, Michelle, had a long journey to well, catch the light. When this was shown in my class, everyone loved it, especially Steve, my teacher. I was just so glad that time. I really love him :) He's a lovely and nice guy. I'm going to miss him after graduating from Foundation :(

The video has lots of meanings but I'll just let you watch :)

Catch the light from Aveline Gunawan on Vimeo.